
Research with Us

Grounded in Research

From archaeology to documentary analysis, research underpins the entire Historic Area experience.


Grounded in Research

From archaeology to documentary analysis, research underpins the entire Historic Area experience.

John D. Rockefeller Jr. Library

The library’s staff and collections support ongoing research that informs the creation of engaging and inspiring educational experiences in the Historic Area and at the Art Museums.

For 2026: A Five-Year Conference Series

Educational Conferences, Forums & Symposiums

CW offers a broad range of high-quality programs that address topics of historical and contemporary significance ranging from the decorative arts and material culture to the historic trades and horticulture.

Archaeology, Preservation, & Conservation


Rare Breeds


Arboretum & Gardens


Explore Resources

  • Articles

    Delve into surprising stories of life in the time of America’s founding.

  • Recipes

    Create a craft or recipe inspired by 18th-century history.

  • Trend & Tradition Magazine

    CW’s full-color quarterly magazine offers articles, photography and art that showcases the life of Williamsburg’s historic core and its people — then and now.

  • Videos

    Step into 18th-century life with our Emmy award-winning virtual education programs.

  • Virtual Tours

    Explore the sites of Colonial Williamsburg in 360 degrees from anywhere in the world.

  • Timelines

    Dive deeper into the events of the past using our Virtual Timelines.


Delve into surprising stories of life in the time of America’s founding.

More to Explore

18th-Century People

James Armistead Lafayette and guests

Moments in History

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Revolutionary Reads


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